Friday, October 4, 2013

The Gurus Are Wrong, Let Fear Motivate You

Motivation comes from a Latin word (movere) that means to move. Most self help gurus say that you should seek motivation from love, or positivity or desire and they say that you should not take your motivation from things you are afraid of. I agree you should find the ability to move or act from positive things but we are actually more motivated by fear than any other emotion. To NOT use fear or perceived other negative emotions to create positive outcomes is foolish.

I don't see any emotion as negative btw, I see them as our state of feeling. What we do with our state of feeling is up to us. Don't fight your feelings even if they are irrational. You can not make what is irrational rational, simply accept it and work with it.

Let us look at fear. Fear is deeply seated in our brains and has a lasting impact. Fear is not always logical, fear is not always reasonable. Have you ever tried to argue with an illogical person? The outcome is frustrating and the same thing holds true with our brains when it comes to fear.

Fear keeps us safe from danger, fear is not supposed to be logical. Fear is supposed to give us an immediate response in our bodies. Unfortunately we can get the same response from speaking in public as we get from being hunted by a lion.

If you try to fight fear you are fighting a loosing battle. If you embrace fear, accept fear, learn to become comfortable acting despite the presence of fear (often called courage by the way) you can use fear to motivate you. Learn to breath through the stomach during fearful times. Learn to breath through the stomach when you face the lion.

How do we move when fearful?

  1. Accept that you are afraid. Admit it out loud. “This lion scares the shit out of me.” Perhaps more common, “This crowd is huge and my parents are here.”
  2. Count on your preparedness and focus on it. I've prepared myself for this instance by studying my material and practicing my speech.
  3. Joke about it. “At least I'm not naked.” Laughing takes power from fear. All great athletes, fighters, infantry, special forces have sick twisted humor and this is part of the reason.
  4. Breath through your stomach, it stops your erratic breathing and brings your physical body back to a state of fearlessness. The body and mind follow each other, control one, you control the other.
  5. Put a smirk on your face (think of a funny movie scene, prepare that scene earlier). Reason: see #4
  6. Hold your shoulders and head high. Reason: see #4
  7. Believe in your ability to overcome obstacles. Practice that belief through preparation and through going through fearful situations.

Are you afraid of starting a new career? Going to the gym and looking stupid? Going on a date? Being lonely? Starting school again? Shooting free throws for the game winning score? Use the tips above and start to use fear as motivation.

Start to embrace fear and never let fear have debilitating power over you again. Great reward comes from great risk!

Motivation comes from what moves you get motivation from wherever you can. I gain much motivation from the desire to be prepared in as many situations as possible. I like being the guy that can be counted on, the guy who can think in high pressure situations, the guy in the lead.

I like the feeling I get from the belief that I can always save myself and those I love.

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